Yes, the Pathway School has its own Wright brothers – Zahiir and Zahkir’e! They are identical twins who had their own way of communicating with each other from the time they were babies. However, as they grew up, they had trouble communicating with others.
When attending public school, the twins were taunted, bullied, and physically harmed. They wanted to harm themselves and started refusing to go to school. When their parents learned more about their sons’ struggles, they knew they needed to seek a better educational environment – one that could assist with their learning, communication, and emotional challenges – for Zahiir and Zahkir’e.
In 2018, the family visited The Pathway School and noticed that the campus was beautiful and welcoming. Their parents were impressed with all the services available. After deciding to send the boys to Pathway, they saw immediate progress with Zahiir and Zahkir’e. The twins receive supporting therapy and have told their therapist how much they love school now. They enjoy playing football, basketball, and games in gym class and have also learned to make new friends. Zahiir and Zahkir’e are now thriving in their new environment at Pathway.
“The Pathway School has a wonderful team, a good curriculum, and everything offered to help the students succeed is great!”
Nancy & Jamir, Parents
Pathway’s mission is to help many students with special needs like Zahiir and Zahkir’e build academic, social, and life skills to promote their success and independence after Pathway.
To read Zahiir and Zahkir’e’s full story and learn more about how you can help support Pathway students’ journey to success, click here.
Your donations support many students like Zahiir and Zahkir’e and promote their academic progress, as well as their success and independence both today, as students, and later in life as adults. You make the difference for Pathway students, their families, and their communities. Click here to donate and help support Pathway students.