Lower School (K-8)

Enriched learning environments for students ages 5-14

The Pathway School’s Lower School program (LSP) is for students with special needs ages 5-14. Our LSP creates an environment for effective skill development, with support of the school-wide Positive Behavior program, social skills instruction, and “push-in” support from related services.

The Curriculum

The Pathway School’s Lower School program takes a unique approach to instructional strategies while using a research-based social skills curriculum that is used across all subject areas. The lower School’s educational program follows the Pennsylvania Common Core standards of English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Health and Physical Education, Arts and Humanities, STEM activities and Technical Education through adapting content and presentation that meets each student’s academic goals.

STEM Education

All students at The Pathway School have access to our Innovation Center supporting our STEM programming. We also provide immersive technology that enables all students to utilize netbooks, tablets, “smart” interactive whiteboards, and online programs that support our in-class curriculum.

The STEM program in our Lower School encourages students to explore their passions using STEM and “Design Thinking”  to support real-world learning. We encourage our students to get involved in robotics, our morning school broadcast “Pathway Today”, Esports, 3D printing and other STEM activities that Pathway offers. Our STEM program for our Lower School gives the students the opportunity to create items for their classrooms, build race car Legos to learn about physics, and many more activities that encourage hands-on and experiential learning. 

Classroom Environment

Within a small classroom setting, teachers can focus on opportunities to implement and practice active learning and social awareness. Through individualized instruction, paced to address gaps in learning, accommodations are made to meet the needs of students with language delays, motor planning, and processing difficulties.

Integrated Services

The Pathway School offers integrated clinical, behavioral, and related services such as speech and occupational therapy as part of individualized academic programming, as needed.

Learning Beyond the Classroom

Building interpersonal skills in diverse social settings is a focus throughout every student’s tenure at The Pathway School and begins in our Lower School Program.  After building a foundation of social learning in the classroom, students’ progress toward greater integration opportunities – that include community integration activities, educational field trips, and on-campus job experiences with transition planning starting at age 14.

Creative Exploration

At The Pathway School, we believe in building confidence and curiosity through creative exploration. Lower School students begin tapping into their own self-expression through our Theatre Arts Program, Musicopia Program, and Art and Design Program.

Currently, our Theatre Arts Program is proud to collaborate with Hedgerow Theatre Company in Delaware County. 



The Pathway School Launches First-Ever Esports Team

Game on! This year, The Pathway School has launched its first-ever competitive Esports team, giving students an exciting new way to develop problem-solving and teamwork skills, discover their passions, and explore future careers in technology. Led...

Pathway’s English Classes Shine in National Writing Contest

Eight Pathway students from Ms. Henderson’s English classes had their short stories selected for publication in the Young Writers’ Fright Club “Into The Night” national creative writing contest. The students’ selected stories will be published in a...

Learn about Our Approach

Pathway’s unique holistic approach to education focuses on the student’s abilities and needs so that targeted instruction and support is provided to them!