Here at The Pathway School, we love and appreciate YOU, our donors, friends, and supporters! You help make a difference in the lives of children and youth with special education needs. We cannot do what we do with you! So today, on Valentine’s Day, we – our students – want to say thank you with a special message created just for you. Please enjoy this message from our students.


Video Transcription:

Daniel: Happy Valentine’s Day!
David: With it being Valentine’s Day We wanted to share with you a few things that we love about Pathway.
Thomas: I love the staff.
Daniel: I love my teacher, Ms. Subers. She’s always very nice and comes up with fun learning activities for us to do.
Ashley: I love the drama department and careers, as well as the staff.
David: And I love the technology that the school has. Like the Chromebooks, the computers, and even the new 3-D printers!
Ashley: Another thing we love… the donors who support Pathway.
Daniel: Another thing I love… I want to shout out to all of the donors.
David: We love our donors because they help make all of these things possible.
Daniel: So, to all of those who have provided support to Pathway we say… THANK YOU!
David: Thank You!
Ashley: Thank You!
Thomas: Thank You!