During these challenging and unprecedented times, we know our students and families are under a lot of stress and pressure. In order to support those who need to get in contact with our clinical and behavioral staff, we have launched a helpline that is available to Pathway students and families Monday through Friday: 610-277-0660 x 444. This helpline is designed to assist in any questions, comments, and concerns you or your child may have.
“While our clinical and behavioral teams are still directly supporting students that have services on their IEPs, we wanted to make their clinical expertise available to every student and family, and to make the process of reaching out as simple as possible. Whether a student or caregiver calls our Helpline, the appropriate clinician will respond in a timely manner. We’re a small school, and our team has a unique understanding of how to support each student, so at least one of us should be able to help!” – Kara Fawley, Director of Clinical and Behavioral Services