Dear Pathway Supporter,
Each year we share with you our Annual Philanthropy Report. This year for your convenience, we are again offering it electronically. If you would like a printed copy, we would be happy to send one to you. Instructions to access the report electronically can be found below. In this report, we are providing you with a look back at our 2021-2022 fiscal year. We believe it is important for us to share with you all of the great things that Pathway and its students are able to accomplish thanks, in great part, to you and your generosity.
The 2021-2022 school year at Pathway was another challenging but successful year! Our entire community continued to adjust to health and safety protocols as we returned to more “normalcy” on our campus. Pathway remains resilient and our mission carries forward – building academic, social, and life skills in students with special needs to promote their success and independence.
Please take a moment and look through our Philanthropy Annual Report. Here are a few things highlighted in this report that you may want to see:
- Letter from our President and CEO, David Schultheis
- 2020 Alum Receives Dream Job
- Listing of our 2021-2022 Donors
- Financial Highlights
- Board of Directors and Administrators Page
- Ways you can continue to support Pathway
To view the annual report, please click here. If you would like to receive a printed copy, please email
Thank you for all that you do to support Pathway students and families. We are looking forward to starting another great school year at The Pathway School.