Career Education
Career exploration and skills building
The Career Education Program creates opportunities for students ages 14-21 to develop employability skills in real-life job settings. Students begin the Career Program at on-campus work sites. Each student’s ultimate goal is to transition into a highly structured off-campus community work site, where he or she can make a meaningful contribution and take ownership of individual responsibilities.
At the community work sites students increase their ability to communicate with supervisors and co-workers, follow instructions, and complete job-related assignments while maintaining emotional control. With the help of job coaches at each work site, students learn to independently monitor and regulate various tasks while working.
The Pathway School partners with local outlets of national chains as well as many independent businesses to help students develop confidence and interpersonal skills through on-the-job experience. Some of the community work sites currently participating in The Pathway School’s Career Education Program are:
We are so happy to have the students from The Pathway School at our restaurant. Not only are the students learning valuable social and technical skills but our staff is learning from them as well. My staff finds joy working with the students and helping them reach their full potential as they grow as individuals in the community.
Michael Hamilton
Phone: ext. 285
Emryk Becomes First PECO Energy Ambassador for The Pathway School
In an exciting adventure beyond the classroom, Upper School student Emryk has become The Pathway School's first ambassador for the PECO Energy Force Program. This program partners with local nonprofits to train young adults with developmental...
2020 Alum Receives Dream Job
Matt Mobley, a student who learns differently due to his autism, graduated from Pathway in 2020 in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. About that, Matt says, “It wasn’t ideal, and it was even a little disappointing to have a virtual graduation...
Pathway Staff Receive End of Year Awards
Each year, Pathway highlights staff members who go above and beyond their specific job duties. This year, two awards were given, the Rookie of the Year Award, and the Outstanding Service Award. Rookie of the Year Award Winner Our Annual Rookie of...
Learn About Our Approach
Pathway’s unique holistic approach to education focuses on the student’s abilities and needs so that targeted instruction and support is provided to them!