Behavioral Support

Overcoming behavioral barriers

The goal of the Behavior Consultation Department is to support our students in decreasing behavioral barriers and acquiring skills to better access their educational programming, guided by the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA).

ABA uses systematic, evidence-based methods to improve socially significant behaviors in students through understanding the relationship between a student’s behavior and their environment.  By supporting teachers in creating environments which are highly structured and that aim to meet student’s individual needs, we aid our students in progressing towards their academic, social, emotional, vocational and life-skills goals.

Behavior Consultants

The behavior consultants are responsible for conducting Functional Behavior Assessments (FBAs) and using their findings to work with educators and other healthcare professionals to develop Individual Education Plans (IEPs). The behavior consultants measure progress through the implementation of data collection procedures, which monitor the student’s movement towards goals on an ongoing basis.

Behavior Interventionists

The Behavior Interventionists (BIs) provide behavior management support to students with behavioral issues and assists individuals to eliminate or replace disruptive, harmful or negative behaviors. We attempt to help educators increase classroom productivity by assisting with behavior modification and implementing our PATH and PBIS philosophies. The behavior interventionist will implement the Pathway Schools comprehensive positive behavior support model and assess/model effective behavior management strategies in coordination with the school’s education, behavior and clinical teams.


Behavior Analysis in Education (via the BACB Website)

PBIS Website

Applied Behavioral Analysis in Education


2021: Back to [In Person] School Tips for Parents

Article by: Dr. Kara Fawley, Director of Clinical and Behavioral Services, The Pathway School  The transition back to school can be challenging in the best of years, but our students have been grappling with 18 months of uncertainty, isolation, and...

Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Pathway joins the national movement to raise awareness and understanding about mental health. Below is information for you to support you and your family to fight stigma, provide support, educate those around...

The Pathway School Phased School Reopening Health and Safety Plan

As required by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, each school entity must create a Health and Safety Plan which will serve as a guideline for all instructional and non-instructional school reopening activities. This plan has been developed...

Learn about Our Approach

Pathway’s unique holistic approach to education focuses on the student’s abilities and needs so that targeted instruction and support is provided to them!