To The Pathway School Community:
As I look back on the past year, I would like to acknowledge how much we have all been through. More than a few of us lost loved ones to COVID-19. I hope the cherished memories of those who have passed can be of comfort to you. Some in our community have dealt with other personal crises, including struggles with their personal and mental wellbeing. I hope you found The Pathway School to be a safe and supportive place.
Over the course of the past 15 months, we have had to constantly adjust our actions to meet an ever changing school/health environment. We adapted our programming for our students to learn online and in person. When possible, we continued school traditions such as the Yearbook, the Talent Show, Prom and Graduation. We learned to be flexible and supported each other.
I am proud of the steps we took to keep The Pathway School community healthy and safe. Our enhanced safety protocols, weekly COVID testing, multiple vaccine clinics and rigorous contact tracing helped to protect those who returned to our campus.
Our parents and families shouldered the significant burden of keeping their students engaged while they learned at home. Pathway faculty and staff rose to the challenge of educating our students in new and different ways all while keeping the students on campus healthy and safe and our families informed. This past school year was a total team effort.
My thanks to the entire Pathway School community for making this past school year a success.
David J. Schultheis
President and CEO