Academics & Services
Individualized education programs, supportive services, and enrichment for every student
To watch a video about our academic programs, click here.
All students ages 5–22 can find a place in The Pathway School’s Lower School, Upper School, and/or Emotional Support program. Through our individualized education programs and integrated services, students with special needs build academic, social, and life skills that lay the foundation for their future success after Pathway. We use a research-based curriculum along with STEM programming and interactive “Design Thinking” environments to encourage real-world learning.
Lower School
Students attend Kindergarten through 8th grade classes. Emphasis is placed on academic and experiential learning in which students acquire, practice, and generalize their knowledge in natural settings. Classes include language arts, math, social studies, social skills and science, as well as physical education, health, art and technology. Enrichment/recreational activities are offered in areas such as art, music and drama.
Upper School
Students attend 9th through 12th grade classes. Emphasis continues in areas of academic and experiential learning. Classroom curriculum becomes more specific in the main academic areas of English, mathematics, history, science, and social skills. Students continue to receive physical education and health, and can participate in electives. Students engage in job sampling in areas such as horticulture, food service, computer technology, and sales, with a continued emphasis on employability skills. Off campus job training opportunities become an integral part of a student’s schedule. Students are working to obtain their high school diploma based on credits or a certification of completion based on their IEP goals as determined by the student’s IEP team.
Courses also are available for students who require an emphasis on life skills necessary for transition to adult living. In addition, coursework is available that emphasizes functional academics, activities of daily living, and community integration. For these students, the learning environments vary so that they can practice and generalize learned skills in the natural setting where these skills are needed. Enrichment/recreational activities are offered in areas such as art, music and drama.
Emotional Support
Pathway serves students from Kindergarten through 8th grade with a primary diagnosis of Emotional Disturbance. The goal of the Emotional Support program is to increase and improve academics, active learning, self-control and social/emotional skills to prepare students for transition to less restrictive academic settings, including return to district placement. Classes include language arts, math, social studies, social skills and science, as well as physical education, health, art and technology. Enrichment/recreational activities are offered in areas such as art, music and drama.
Integrated Services
Students who have related services such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, and counseling have the opportunity to receive individual and group services, as indicated in the student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Additional support is available through reading specialists, nursing services, psychological services, BCBAs, career services including job coaches and transition services for post-graduation planning.
STEM Education
The Pathway School’s “STEM for All” approach is providing STEM education opportunities to all of our students, ages 5-22. At Pathway, STEM is the baseline for our curriculum and permeates everything we do. Our state-of-the-art Innovation Center assists our STEM programming by encouraging “Design Thinking” inside a hands-on environment for our students.
Transitional Services
Pathway offers transitional services as a student shifts from high school to adulthood is to support these changes. Our transitional services office is dedicated to support a student’s needs from hosting a senior seminar class, assisting in goal-setting and self-advocacy, coaching in adult services and career training, exploring opportunities for continued education, and much more. The transitional services team is there to support and guide Pathway students on their path to their future.
Career Education Program
The mission of the careers program is to help students learn, practice and integrate employability skills. These are the skills that are required to obtain and keep a job, such as: getting to work on time, wearing your uniform, maintaining proper hygiene, taking the appropriate amount of time for a break, following directions and taking constructive criticism from your supervisor. Learning and mastering these basic employability skills at Pathway will allow students to secure more specialized training post Pathway. Students engage in job sampling in areas such as horticulture, food service, computer technology and sales in on-campus environments and then move to off-campus sites incorporating the lessons from campus. Students receive a continuum of job coaching and support. Students who participate in the careers program will receive a Career Education Handbook.
Extended School Year
Pathway’s Extended School Year (ESY) is a 5-week summer program designed to continue the educational needs of our students. We engage students in academics, social and life skills, hands-on learning, summer fun field trips, and more. Our ESY program supports each student’s IEP goals while providing unique opportunities to retain interest in educational topics and further develop their social-emotional skills.
Safe2Say Something Program
at The Pathway School
The Pathway School is committed to creating and sustaining a comprehensive, coordinated effort to improve the overall safety and well-being of our students, educators, and administrators.
The Pathway School Receives Statewide Recognition for Positive Behavior Support
The Pathway School has been recognized by the Pennsylvania Positive Behavior Support (PaPBS) Network for successfully implementing School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) with fidelity across all three tiers during the...
PATH To Domination: Triumph at First Competition of the Season
The Pathway School’s robotics team, PATH To Domination, are champions once again! For the second year straight, they've clinched victory at the First Robotics Mid-Atlantic Hatboro-Horsham event, kicking off their season with a bang! Made up of...
The Pathway School Receives Eagles Autism Foundation Grant for Innovative Autistic Support Classroom Program
The Pathway School’s new Autistic Support Classroom program is supported by a grant from Eagles Autism Foundation. Pathway is ecstatic to become a community grant partner. Pathway’s Autistic Support Classroom is designed for students who have...
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