Leadership Team

Leading our school into the future

Our leadership team is comprised of highly skilled, experienced, and committed individuals who uphold The Pathway School’s mission each and every day. Under their leadership, Pathway continues to educate, innovate, and create an enriching and supportive environment for our students, families, and staff.


2020 Alum Receives Dream Job

Matt Mobley, a student who learns differently due to his autism, graduated from Pathway in 2020 in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. About that, Matt says, “It wasn’t ideal, and it was even a little disappointing to have a virtual graduation...

Health and Safety Plan Updated – 8/2/2022

The Pathway School remains committed to operating on-campus and in-person for the 2022-2023 school year. To this end, we continue to evaluate our healthy and safety protocols and update our Health and Safety Plan as required. We base our protocols...

Pathway’s Own Wright Brothers Soar to New Heights

Yes, the Pathway School has its own Wright brothers - Zahiir and Zahkir'e! They are identical twins who had their own way of communicating with each other from the time they were babies. However, as they grew up, they had trouble communicating with...

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