Eight Pathway students from Ms. Henderson’s English classes had their short stories selected for publication in the Young Writers’ Fright Club “Into The Night” national creative writing contest. The students’ selected stories will be published in a book to be released on April 7, 2025. The Pathway students to receive this recognition were Upper School students Jeremiah, Eli, David, Aidan, Ollie, Jamar, Lisa, and Luca.

At The Pathway School, our English classes transform creativity and expression into storytelling, where students practice their writing skills and bring their imaginations to life.

The “Into The Night” writing contest helps students build confidence, spark their imaginations, and grow their creative skills while enjoying the fun of creative writing.

A National Achievement

We are honored that all students from Ms. Henderson’s English classes that submitted short stories had their writing pieces selected for publication in the contest. This incredible accomplishment highlights the hard work and talent of our students, as well as the dedication of our faculty to nurturing their writing skills.

The selection process was rigorous, with the editorial team evaluating submissions based on perception, imagination, creativity, expression, originality, and use of language. Having all eight pieces chosen shows the creativity and hard work of Ms. Henderson’s English students.

A Teacher’s Pride

Ms. Henderson expressed pride in the students’ achievements: “I’m so proud of our students and their hard work. It is a big accomplishment and a testament of their writing skills to all get selected for publication in this national writing contest.”

Building Creativity Through Writing

At Pathway, we believe in the power of writing to unlock creativity. The success of Ms. Henderson’s English classes in Young Writers’ Fright Club “Into The Night” contest reflects this goal, proving that when students are encouraged to express themselves, the results are extraordinary.

Congratulations to our students and we look forward to seeing how they continue to grow as writers and storytellers.