Sample Bequest Language

Sample Language for Bequests – Gifts from Your Will or Estate

Below are several examples of suggested bequest wording to benefit The Pathway School (EIN# 23-1599650). We encourage you to share your final will provision with us to ensure that your wishes will be properly followed and recognized.

Percentage of Residual Estate

  1. Percentage of estate for specific purposes
    I give, devise, and bequeath to The Pathway School, a non-profit organization located in Jeffersonville, Pennsylvania Tax Identification # 23-1599650, _____ percent (%) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate as a gift to be used for _______________________________________________________________ at The Pathway School.
  2. Percentage of estate for specific purposes with an endowment provision
    I give, devise, and bequeath to The Pathway School, a non-profit organization located in Jeffersonville, Pennsylvania Tax Identification # 23-1599650, _____ percent (%) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate to establish the _________________________ENDOWED FUND. The principal of this Fund shall be invested as part of The Pathway School’s permanent endowment and in accordance with its policies. The income therefrom is to be used by The Pathway School for___________________________________________________. Contributions may be added to the Fund at any time.
    If changed circumstances should at some future time make it impractical to continue using the income from the Fund for the purpose designated, then The Pathway School’s Board of Directors may re-designate the purpose for which the Fund’s income may be distributed, provided that the Fund shall continue to bear the name _______________________ ENDOWED FUND, and that the amended terms shall adhere as closely as possible to my original intent.

Specific Bequest Amount

  1. Specific amount for specific purposes
    I give, devise, and bequeath to The Pathway School, a non-profit organization located in Jeffersonville, Pennsylvania Tax Identification # 23-1599650, the sum of $_______ in cash or in-kind (or _____ shares of __________stock) to be used for _______________________________________________________________
    at The Pathway School.
  2. Specific amount for specific purposes with an endowment provision
    I give, devise, and bequeath to The Pathway School, a non-profit organization located in Jeffersonville, Pennsylvania Tax Identification #23-1599650, the sum of $_______ in cash or in-kind (or ________ shares of ________stock) to establish the ____________________ENDOWED FUND. The principal of this Fund shall be invested as part of The Pathway School’s permanent endowment and in accordance with its policies. The income there from is to be used by The Pathway School for____________________________________. Contributions may be added to the Fund at any time.
    If changed circumstances should at some future time make it impractical to continue using the income from the Fund for the purpose designated, then The Pathway School’s Board of Directors may re-designate the purpose for which the Fund’s income may be distributed, provided that the Fund shall continue to bear the name ________________ ENDOWED FUND, and that the amended terms shall adhere as closely as possible to my original intent.

Bequests of Real Estate

  1. Designated for a specific purpose
    I give and bequeath to The Pathway School, a non-profit organization located in Jeffersonville, Pennsylvania Tax Identification #23-1599650, the following described real property: __________________________________, situated in _________County, State of ___________. I hereby instruct my personal representative to sell the property upon my death and to designate all proceeds from the sale of said property to be as a gift to be used for _________________ ___________________________________ at The Pathway School.
  2. Designated for specific purposes with an endowment provision
    I give and bequeath to The Pathway School, a non-profit organization located in Jeffersonville, Pennsylvania Tax Identification #23-1599650, the following described real property: ___________________________, situated in ____________County, State of ___________. I hereby instruct my personal representative to sell the property upon my death and to designate all proceeds from the sale of said property to establish the _________________ ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP FUND. The principal of this Fund shall be invested as part of The Pathway School’s permanent endowment and in accordance with its policies. The income therefrom is to be used by The Pathway School for _____________________ _____________________. Contributions may be added to the Fund at any time.
    If changed circumstances should at some future time make it impractical to continue using the income from the Fund for the purpose designated, then The Pathway School Board of Directors may re-designate the purpose for which the Fund’s income may be distributed, provided that the Fund shall continue to bear the name ________________ ENDOWED FUND, and that the amended terms shall adhere as closely as possible to my original intent.


Director of Development and Communications, Jory Barrad
Phone: ext. 258


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